Does your business need help with addressing workers’ compensation fraud? If so, we can help. We know how easy it is to lose time, energy, and resources contending with dubious workers’ compensation claims. There is, however, a way to organize your HR solutions to deal with this problem.
There are two common ways to commit workers’ compensation fraud: 1) The worker submits exaggerated claims, or, 2) A company fails to report their payrolls accurately to gain lower premiums from health care providers. Both can arise from mismanagement and poor record keeping. It’s our job to help you avoid that.
There is also a third category of fraud that involves the medical providers who participate in these cases. This happens whenever they perform tests or give unnecessary treatments. They can also commit fraud by over-billing for services.
An employee commits fraud any time they willfully conceal information or make false claims related to their workers’ compensation case. This happens all the time in America, enough for businesses to lose billions of dollars each year.
Here are some of the most common examples of workers’ compensation fraud:
On the employer side, it’s possible to commit fraud by misclassifying employees for lower insurance premiums, not having workers’ compensation coverage, or manipulating the wages of workers’ compensation claims. Given the volume of fraud potential, it’s important to have an HR team that knows how to spot these problems and correct them.
Perhaps you run a small or medium-sized business in Florida and don’t have the requisite staffing for workers’ compensation compliance. That’s no problem if you work with Florida Resource Management
We actually offer incentive arrangements that make handling workers’ compensation more affordable by enrolling in our safety management program. This gives you access to our assistance at a much lower cost. Whatever you do, it’s important to avoid leaving your company vulnerable to fraud potential.
So, if this could benefit you, then contact Florida Resource Management today. We can assist with workers’ compensation claims, safety management, employee onboarding, training, and more. This gives you the opportunity to get back to focusing on your business's primary mission. Find out more about our services by calling 941-343-6160.