Studies commonly show that roughly 90% of all
workers’ compensation claims filed are legitimate. However, it is still important for an employer to watch for these red flags that may indicate a fraudulent claim:
- Filing multiple claims
- Longer absences than anticipated by the employee, combined with an unwillingness to return to work
- Unwillingness to be assigned to other, lighter jobs within the company or to complete partial duties
- Constantly missing medical appointments
- Employee will not provide the date, time, or location of the incident that caused the injury
- Employee has no recollection of services provided for related medical bills
- Lack of witnesses to an accident or incident
- Employee cannot produce specific information about the nature of the injury
- Employee has a history of short-term employment
If any of these red flags occur, it by no means makes the claim automatically fraudulent. These are simply guidelines to keep employers proactively evaluating the legitimacy of a workers’ compensation claim.