Drug Screening

Posted by Florida Resource Management on March 22, 2023

Drug screening is another essential HR service we offer to commercial business clients. It’s an important component of onboarding new employees, and most businesses do it whenever a workplace accident occurs. We’d like to show you a few advantages of drug screening for your business, and how Florida Resource Management can facilitate it for you.

drug screening resources

The Benefits of Drug Screening for Your Business

  1. Create a Safer Work Environment
    • This is the most obvious advantage and the biggest demand from the employers we serve. Nobody wants their health and safety jeopardized by other employees who arrive at work under the influence of drugs and alcohol. There is also a copious volume of research that suggests that workers’ compensation claims are twice as high for places without an effective screening program. Whether your business involves forklift drivers and riveters or hostesses and customer reps, you cannot afford to hire anybody with a reputation for drug abuse. This is perhaps most relevant for businesses with a dozen or more employees in proximity to one another.
  2. Boost Morale & Productivity
    • Drug usage also correlates adversely with several metrics like job performance and absenteeism. This may not come as much of a surprise, but it’s common for drug users to miss work or mishandle company property. Beyond that, many American workers say they prefer working in places that scrutinize for drug use because it makes them feel safer. Therefore, it’s wise to approach this topic even as an employee morale consideration.
  3. Save Money
    • While it may seem counterintuitive, since drug tests aren’t cheap, screening is an investment that yields a significant ROI. In the long run, it saves money because you’ll be less likely to incur a lawsuit or other expenses stemming from drug-related incidents. Plus, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that drug users won’t remain very long as employees. This means you can improve your company’s turnover numbers by screening against this problem, and make recruiting and retention much more successful.

Again, drug screening is part of our comprehensive approach to effective HR solutions and safety management. Through our trademarked OSHIFY system, we can help you screen employees much quicker, prevent workers’ comp cases, and get back to running the rest of your business.

If you’d like to explore new drug screening programs for your company, then we hope you’ll consider the services of Florida Resource Management. We can assist with better and faster HR systems regardless of the size or scope of your business. Contact us anytime to learn more about drug screening or anything else we do by calling 941-343-6160.

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